Custom Cue Work & Repairs
Custom Cue Work & Repairs
Spot On Billiards has been offering customization and repair options to pool players in the GTA and surrounding area for over ten years. Below is a general price list of the services we offer, please contact us if you have any questions or requests. All prices are in Canadian Dollars, customer is responsible for all shipping fees or drop off and pickup at store. General cue repair is available until 5pm on weekdays.
Tip Changes:
- Single layered Tip – $25
- Multi-layered Tip – $35-$55
- Provide your own tip for installation – Single layered: $25, Multi-layered: $25
- Break tips - $30-$55
Ferrule Changes:
- Standard – $40
- Low Deflection – $50
Wrap Changes:
- Linen – $85
- Leather – $175+
- Exotic – $250 and up
*Add $40 if wrap groove needs to be created.
** Please note that in some cases on cues with existing wraps the wrap groove may be too deep to replace with another wrap such as linen. In cases like these we would need to build the wrap groove back up to a proper depth which will incur an additional cost.
Cue Changes:
- Shaft refurbish – $20
- Re-taper to specific diameter and style – $35
*Re-tapers may not be possible for certain low deflection shafts due to construction, please confirm with us before proceeding.
- Joint pin change – $85-$100
- Collar change – $50-$75
- Shaft insert change – $75+
*Insert change may not be possible in some cases due to construction, please contact us to confirm
- Buttcap change – $85
- Extension system – $100
Custom Shafts:
- Standard – $200
- Low deflection – $350
- Compression fit – add $30
*We would require your cue in order to create a compression fitted joint